2025 Kearney USBC Women |
Championship Tournament Averages |
NOTE: Tournament averages are determined as of January
31, 2024. Highlighted bowlers must have a 21 game
composite average in Kearney USBC bowling leagues before
they bowl in the tournament or they must bowl scratch. |
Contact the tournament director for possible average
adjustment due to special circumstances and you are
unable to achieve a 21 game average. |
Composite |
Total |
National ID |
Name |
Average |
Games |
4132-1518 |
Adamson, Emilie E |
122 |
120 |
4132-221 |
Albrecht, Linda M |
115 |
63 |
9726-4265 |
Anderson, Janet E |
124 |
33 |
4161-244 |
Bockerman, Helen |
122 |
39 |
4132-177 |
Bowie, Pat L |
139 |
48 |
4132-1016 |
Brickner, DeAnn M |
133 |
108 |
4132-80 |
Bryan, Beth |
131 |
41 |
4132-277 |
Busch, Bonnie K |
126 |
36 |
4132-45 |
Carr, Beth A |
130 |
21 |
9726-4245 |
Chadrick, Dawn M |
106 |
30 |
4132-1392 |
Cochran, Sheryl S |
119 |
42 |
8966-4418 |
Cordes, Sharon K |
118 |
54 |
8966-6566 |
Cramer, Kyla A |
167 |
27 |
4132-565 |
Dailey, Crystal S |
133 |
54 |
4144-25 |
Daily, Jodi |
135 |
50 |
9726-4293 |
DeLaet, Roxann R |
128 |
27 |
4136-142 |
Duering, Darlene J |
157 |
9 |
4132-179 |
Eacker, Lynn R |
119 |
42 |
4132-359 |
Farber, Barbara J |
158 |
54 |
4132-178 |
Fees, Linda K |
127 |
48 |
4132-1123 |
Fenstermacher, Carol J |
108 |
48 |
9726-4361 |
Foster, Lisa M |
114 |
3 |
4132-413 |
Garrelts, Karen R |
131 |
36 |
4132-135 |
Gibbons, Cynthia A |
148 |
78 |
4132-156 |
Gibbs, Debra J |
131 |
45 |
9726-4248 |
Goodrich, Jessica J |
118 |
12 |
4132-6 |
Griffin, Etha J |
121 |
51 |
4137-6870 |
Hancock, Ashley K |
143 |
72 |
4132-797 |
Hancock, Kira L |
127 |
69 |
4132-665 |
Hancock, Trish R |
130 |
105 |
4132-1526 |
Hasselquist, Misty M |
121 |
24 |
4132-13 |
Hatcher, Deb L |
150 |
54 |
4132-100 |
Hauserman, Angie C |
116 |
150 |
4132-1150 |
Hauver, Sandy L |
78 |
54 |
4132-405 |
Hemmingsen, Rosemary |
120 |
42 |
4132-357 |
Hickman, Peggy A |
113 |
39 |
15-14581 |
Hodges, Kim L |
137 |
54 |
4143-308 |
Horine, Angie L |
105 |
3 |
4132-399 |
Isaac, Susan M |
92 |
27 |
4132-14 |
Janssen, Sue A |
123 |
27 |
4132-4 |
Johnson, Jo A |
119 |
48 |
4132-443 |
Johnson, Linda A |
138 |
39 |
4132-273 |
Johnson, Linda K |
125 |
54 |
4132-475 |
Johnson, Rhonda S |
114 |
27 |
9726-4319 |
Jorgensen, Colleen R |
111 |
21 |
4132-407 |
Jorgensen, Sheri L |
142 |
30 |
300-41551 |
Kates, Jerilynn L |
139 |
33 |
4092-89 |
Kermmoade, Debra K |
131 |
33 |
4132-64 |
King, Beckie S |
139 |
51 |
4132-515 |
Knake, Helen L |
116 |
35 |
4132-1351 |
Krotz, Danielle R |
152 |
98 |
4132-768 |
Krotz, Michelle R |
143 |
65 |
4132-478 |
Kutsch, Joy L |
108 |
42 |
4132-1255 |
Landanger, Jennifer M |
146 |
30 |
4132-1029 |
Lane, Sherry J |
128 |
45 |
9726-4314 |
Larson, Susan D |
154 |
30 |
9726-4326 |
Levesque, Synda L |
123 |
46 |
4132-94 |
Limbach, Michelle L |
186 |
54 |
9726-4261 |
Londer, Sheri J |
133 |
36 |
4132-372 |
Lopez, Karen L |
138 |
45 |
9726-4304 |
Maxson, Kathy |
137 |
39 |
4132-1374 |
May, Jeanne M |
132 |
30 |
4132-1551 |
Maya, Marissa A |
105 |
30 |
4132-289 |
McConnell, Leisa K |
123 |
24 |
4132-317 |
McGuigan, Mary B |
112 |
33 |
4132-473 |
McLaughlin, Donna J |
125 |
15 |
4132-369 |
McLaughlin, Eileen M |
113 |
45 |
4132-846 |
McLaughlin, Lindsay L |
134 |
132 |
6197-339 |
McPherson, Rebecca L |
183 |
132 |
4132-1502 |
Menke, Nancy C |
147 |
42 |
4132-1049 |
Mitchell, Shannon L |
138 |
48 |
4132-1405 |
Moore, Allie E |
165 |
90 |
4132-1466 |
Moore, Jacquelyn J |
123 |
63 |
9726-4308 |
Morris, Tascia M |
109 |
27 |
9726-4289 |
Muchmore, Marcie S |
123 |
37 |
9726-4331 |
Muchmore, Stephanie R |
98 |
36 |
9726-3291 |
Mulroney, Nicole J |
166 |
51 |
4132-1198 |
Ogle, Lynda M |
137 |
57 |
4132-1411 |
Ohlman, Cherish L |
143 |
21 |
4132-320 |
Ohlrich, Susan M |
139 |
30 |
4132-414 |
Oliver, Brenda K |
132 |
33 |
4132-807 |
Orcutt, Kimberley F |
136 |
36 |
4132-1487 |
Parker, Kayla S |
121 |
30 |
4132-1170 |
Parkinson, Patsy A |
93 |
27 |
9726-4309 |
Pavelka, Kristen A |
113 |
33 |
4132-217 |
Poff, Lisa S |
159 |
24 |
4132-1416 |
Pohl, Wendy L |
137 |
39 |
4132-220 |
Polhemus, Vicki J |
130 |
57 |
4132-973 |
Redden, Joy E |
112 |
33 |
9726-4102 |
Riessland, Andrea C |
103 |
9 |
4167-211 |
Rogers, Kathleen I |
134 |
54 |
4132-773 |
Runions, Tammie J |
134 |
42 |
4132-620 |
Ryan, Jennifer A |
159 |
30 |
4132-397 |
Samuelson, Robbie |
156 |
33 |
6205-2679 |
Sanford, Madison M |
164 |
21 |
4132-360 |
Sesna, Gala Z |
126 |
54 |
4132-1375 |
Shubert, Deb A |
111 |
33 |
4132-1316 |
Shultheis, Michelle M |
160 |
9 |
4132-42 |
Slagle, Jacquie L |
152 |
54 |
4132-866 |
Smallcomb, Amanda B |
134 |
33 |
9726-4355 |
Stenehjem, Ann E |
93 |
27 |
4161-119 |
Stittle, Evelyn K |
144 |
45 |
4132-955 |
Stockton, Chris M |
132 |
57 |
4132-77 |
Stucker, Randi K |
124 |
39 |
9726-4330 |
Thiel, Alexis A |
117 |
26 |
9726-4351 |
Trevino, Alex |
109 |
36 |
4132-1426 |
Vanden Berge, Jessica M |
111 |
21 |
4132-1313 |
Vanden Berge, Jodi K |
108 |
23 |
9726-4258 |
Walker, Jessica F |
111 |
54 |
4132-1 |
Walton, Beverly A |
133 |
45 |
4132-677 |
Ward, Cinda L |
122 |
39 |
4132-448 |
Washington, Denae L |
146 |
116 |
4132-1097 |
Weiler, Susan M |
144 |
24 |
4132-437 |
Wentz, Jane M |
138 |
42 |
4132-373 |
Westphalen, Wanda M |
142 |
51 |
8092-36738 |
Wiester, Krista K |
168 |
102 |
4132-1413 |
Zimmerman, Stacia L |
107 |
63 |