1. All disbursements or withdrawals
MUST have two signatures even if the bank does not provide
or monitor this.
2. Account statements are mailed
directly to the President of the league for verification
3. Deposit league funds in the league's
account within seven (7) days of receipt.
4. Make sure the league president
verifies the league account balance at least once a month (this
helps protect you if league funds are missing).
5. Submit all membership dues and
membership applications to the local association within 30 days
of receipt.
6. Keep bowlers current in league
fees. Notify the team captains of bowlers who are late in
payments. Notify the league president if you have
difficulties in collecting fees.
7. At the end of the season, provide
each team captain with a detailed financial statement when the
prize fund is distributed.
8. Distribute the prize fund
within 21 days after the league schedule ends, unless the board
or USBC decides otherwise.
9. Turn over all league books and
monies to the next league treasurer if you are not re-elected to
the position -- NOTE: All financial records must be retained
for one (1) year after the league schedule ends.
10. Check the "USBC Playing
Rules" or "League Operations Handbook" for additional duties and
responsibilities (see appropriated links at left).